Denmark Gujarati Samaj Navratri 2024

DGS Navratri 2024 Registration

Date & Time: 12/10/2024 14:30

Venue: Hall A, Gentofte Sports Park, Ved Stadion 10, 2820 Gentofte

Important Instruction:

☞ Registration will be valid only after completing this form in full AND after making registration payment

☞ We will send your tickets to your email, So please use your valid email.

☞ A delicious vegetarian Indian menu will be served.

☞ For any queries please contact Denmark Gujarati Samaj whatsApp 91944888.

Registration Fees:
Entry Ticket Price
Category DGS Paid Members Non DGS Paid Members
Adult > 12 Year 60 DKK 80 DKK
6 Year >= Children <= 12 Year 40 DKK 40 DKK
Kids < 6 Year 0 0
Food Ticket Price
Category Adult ( > 12 Yr) Children ( >= 6 Yr & <= 12 Yr)
Food Ticket 100 DKK 70 DKK
Registration Form:
Please enter your name.
Please enter your valid email.
Please enter your number.

Please select number of adults.

Do you want food?

Please select number of adults.


Entry Tickets

0 x Adults: 0 DKK

0 x Children: 0 DKK

0 x Kids: 0 DKK

Food Tickets

0 x Adults: 0 DKK

0 x Children: 0 DKK

Total: 0 DKK

DGS Privacy Policy
Please give your consent.